Hawaii Kai Lions District 50 - Club Number 14324

July 2019 President’s Message

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It is my honor and privilege to be your new President. I will need all of your help, as Immediate Past President Sandy has done such a wonderful job!


A BIG Mahalo to everyone who contributed their time and service to make our 46th Annual Benefit Breakfast such a fantastic success. It was great to see our Hawaii Kai Lions joined in force by Lions from Manoa, Koko Head, Aloha Pono Club working together with Kaiser Girls Soccer team and Pack 101 Scouts. In addition to our Rescue Tube awareness and the Manoa Lions demonstrating and teaching CPR and use of the AED to the public. Lions Peggy, David and Irwin Santos did a great job promoting our breakfast KHON2 News at 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm on Friday.  The presence of KITV, KGMB, KHON2, and MidWeek at the breakfast on Sunday provided even more publicity of our breakfast next year.


This year, Erick Kvick collected almost $2,000 in donations from business and individuals.  Eric also had 46th annual t-shirts made, with the donors’ names on the back that were worn by Lions and volunteers to recognize them.  Alvin made posters with the donors’ names that were hung at entrances to the cafeteria.  We hope to get started earlier and get more donations next year!


We served 3,339 breakfasts on Father’s Day with a total of 3,240 ticket sold.  The served breakfast count includes breakfasts served to volunteers.  Our CIS Bake Sale, chaired by Sylvia Nakakura and Plant Sale, chaired by Loyal Mehroff was successful again.  We are still receiving ticket sales money and hope to get the final count out soon.


On Thursday, June 20th, we celebrated Sandy’s Presidential 2018-2019 reign at the Aloha Party.  A heart felt Mahalo to Lion Alvin and his CIS Jackie for opening their home and welcoming everyone. Another big Mahalo to Lion Cynthia who made the dinner.  We all had a wonderful time with delicious food, spirits and enjoyable company. The Board sang “So Long, Farewell” to Sandy and was told to “roast” Sandy, they all had a hard time to say about Sandy so told banker jokes, instead.  We all commented how amazing that she could handle the club President responsibilities while still working!


Before the celebration, Sandy made a presentation CIS “Joan” Sindiong with a proclamation and plaque for Apolonio “Sindi” Sindiong for his service as a Life Member Hawaii Kai Lion.


As I mentioned at Charter night, I will use your feedback from the survey and address membership, mentoring and training, and look for projects and activities which benefit both the community and members and are of interest and enrich your experience as a Lion. Thank you in advance for your support!


“Have Fun while we Serve!”



Lion Ells

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