Hawaii Kai Lions District 50 - Club Number 14324

May 19th – Koko Head Elementary School Awards Ceremony

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Submmited by Frances Lum

Hawaii Kai Lions were invited to participate in Koko Head Elementary School’s first school-wide, in-person awards assembly in several years to recognize the Junior Police Officers (JPOs) and the Sight is Beautiful poster contest winners. The assembly was kicked off with a drill executed with blue ribbon precision by the JPOs, led by HPD Officer Cody Ross. Lion Ken Nishibun then greeted the students and families, eliciting a roaring response. He explained a bit about what Lions do (help, not roar) and recapped some of the ways that Lions have helped at Koko Head Elementary School. The JPOs were presented with certificates from HPD and Hawaii Kai Lions. In addition, each JPO received a gift card from Gyotaku Japanese Restaurant courtesy of Lion Tom Jones and a gift card from Coconuts in Koko Marina Center from the Hawaii Kai Lions. Lion David Iwana helped by giving out Pizza Hut coupons from the school.

Next up on the order of events was to award the Sight is Beautiful poster contest winners. In all, 189 posters were submitted by students of Koko Head Elementary School. The Lions awarded 22 prizes – fourth to first place for grades K through 4 and second and first for grade 5. A third grader also placed fourth statewide which entitled him to a cash prize from District 50! Each winner received a certificate and a Longs gift card. The students cheered enthusiastically for their classmate as Lion Frances Lum called out each winner’s name. Lions Ken and David handed out the posters and the prizes. Thank you, Lions David and Ken, for helping to make the awards assembly special

Categories: Projects

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